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How do I add a VAT number?

Learn how you can add a VAT for your company for tax exemption

If you're running a business, you may need to add a VAT number to your purchase in order to be excluded from VAT tax. In this article, we'll explain how you can easily add a VAT number and ensure that you're not paying unnecessary taxes.


To add a VAT number you have to do the following:

  1. Start the free trial
  1. Click on the subscribe button on the very top bar of HelpKit
  1. Choose your plan
  1. Once you click the desired plan, a checkout modal will popup
  1. Verify the information on the right is correct and click continue
  1. In the next step, you will see an additional + Add VAT field pop up. Click on it and fill in the corresponding information.
  1. Make sure to scroll down all the way to fill out all necessary fields
  1. Click on Add VAT Number and finish the payment
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Last updated on March 23, 2023